Meet MobiMedia at EuroShop!

Meet MobiMedia at EuroShop!

MobiMedia AG will be exhibiting all aspects of digital order management at Euroshop:the programme covers digital pre-orders, B2B web shops and the industry order portal MobiMedia supports manufacturers who sell to retailers and stores requiring...
Cloud Computing – A Growth Factor?

Cloud Computing – A Growth Factor?

Cloud computing is an often-misunderstood term, but it gives companies one thing in particular: Flexibility. Especially in an industry, such as the textile, sports and footwear industry, where a lot of trade fair events still happen, it is necessary for an IT system...
Infotag 4.0 bei Hugo Boss & DTB Jahrestagung

Infotag 4.0 bei Hugo Boss & DTB Jahrestagung

Infotag 4.0 bei Hugo Boss & DTB Jahrestagung Wie verändert die Digitalisierung das Saison- und Ordermanagement der Branche? Nachhaltig handeln – Zukunft sichern – Change gestalten. So der Tenor der diesjährigen DTB Jahrestagung in Filderstadt. Interessante und zum...